First things first, welcome. Glad you could make it. Hopefully, I'll make this blog something fun and interesting and you'll find your way back here.
Introductions aside, let's cut to the chase:
What's the deal with this blog?
Well, let's just say that I'm a big fan of food: Eating, cooking, reading, pretty much everything execpt cleaning up afterward. In the past, I've tried to exhibit this love via occasional photo uploads and status updates via my Facebook account. However, I've found that using Facebook as a medium to express my thoughts does not fully allow me to expound to the detail I feel is necessary.
So, inspired by a number of friends, most notably Heather, George and Kaela, I've created this blog. My expectations are a bit of a moving target at this point. I'm fairly certain that I will be featuring some permutation of the following:
- Some of my favorite recipies, complete with detailed step by step instuctions and photos
- Reviews of some of my favorite restaurants, food stands and epicurian holes-in-the-wall
- Short takes on chefs who have influenced me
- Equipment reviews
- Steals and deals - tales of supermarket bargain hunting
- and the every popular catch-all category: Miscellaneous
Like I said, that's just a rough outline of what I envision for this endeavour (ooh, how British of me). Much like a well-coiffed politician, I do reserve the right to change my mind. But I don't think I'll veer too far from that list.
I hope that you'll get something out of this, whether it be humor (no extra 'u' on this one, sorry), information, insight, knowledge or just an excuse to kill some time. I look forward to adding to this as often as possible and I invite you to come along for the ride.
- Jon
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