Friday, April 30, 2010

I've Seen You've Played "Knifey-Spooney" Before

"It's a poor carpenter that blames his tools".

I've heard it. You've heard it. We've all heard it. Ad naseum.

Well, you know what? It isn't always true.

A chef cannot work without his tools. And the one tool that is absolutely necessary to have is a good chef's knife.

One only has to browse the latest Crate and Barrel or Williams-Sonoma catalogs to see the variety of styles of knives offered on the market today. Some are quite versatile, others are completely specialized. But the one type that can do a little of everything is the chef's knife.

The beauty of this style of knife is that it can slice, dice, chop and peel; much like a Ginzu knife, except that it actually works and performs well! It's got a long, tapered blade for slicing motions, but has a pointed tip allowing it to penetrate peels and skins.

I currently have the Wustof Classic 8" Chef's knife. I use it for just about everything: trimming steak tips, dicing carrots, even smashing cloves of garlic. It has a full tang (blade is one piece into the handle)and is weighted perfectly. There are other fancier (more expensive) models offered by Wusthof, with curvy handles and granton (hollow) edges. But for the money, there are few knives with a better value all around than this one.

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